The Protect Duty – Breaking Down The Jargon

The Protect Duty – Breaking Down The Jargon

In the wake of recurring terrorist attacks across the UK, including the Manchester Arena Bombing and both the 2017 & 2019 London Bridge Attacks, The Protect Duty consultation has been seeking views on how legislation could be used to enhance the protection of...
Partner Update: Coronavirus Reopening Compliance

Partner Update: Coronavirus Reopening Compliance

Alan Tungate, Logical Safety Solutions and Sophie Davenport, SFE Services join Rob Walley, Controlled Events as expert guests again this month, sharing new information to consider as COVID restrictions ease and reopening phases continue to progress.   All...
Reviewing Resilience To Prepare For Crisis Management

Reviewing Resilience To Prepare For Crisis Management

Crises are a fact of both life and human history. From unexpected personal and organisational events to wide-scale societal and environmental issues, crises come in many different shapes and sizes. The key purpose of crisis management is to mitigate possible risks and...